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Unlocking the energy transition through Token Wheeling

Unlocking the energy transition through Token Wheeling

This project proposes Token Wheeling as a solution to the challenges of implementing renewable energy wheeling in South Africa, particularly within municipal electricity supply areas. Token Wheeling aims to simplify and expand the market for private power by...

Strategy consulting for IPP developers

Strategy consulting for IPP developers

Meridian continues to provide strategy consulting to numerous IPP developers navigating the shift from South Africa's REIPPPP to the more complex corporate energy market. This transition involves challenges such as selling power without guaranteed offtake agreements...

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Unlocking the energy transition through Token Wheeling

Unlocking the energy transition through Token Wheeling

This project proposes Token Wheeling as a solution to the challenges of implementing renewable energy wheeling in South Africa, particularly within municipal electricity supply areas. Token Wheeling aims to simplify and expand the market for private power by...

Strategy consulting for IPP developers

Strategy consulting for IPP developers

Meridian continues to provide strategy consulting to numerous IPP developers navigating the shift from South Africa's REIPPPP to the more complex corporate energy market. This transition involves challenges such as selling power without guaranteed offtake agreements...

Unlocking the energy transition through Token Wheeling

This project proposes Token Wheeling as a solution to the challenges of implementing renewable energy wheeling in South Africa, particularly within municipal electricity supply areas. Token Wheeling aims to simplify and expand the market for private power by...

Strategy consulting for IPP developers

Meridian continues to provide strategy consulting to numerous IPP developers navigating the shift from South Africa's REIPPPP to the more complex corporate energy market. This transition involves challenges such as selling power without guaranteed offtake agreements...

Energy decarbonisation and cost optimisation for Morupule Coal Mine

This project focused on exploring renewable energy solutions for Morupule Coal Mine in Botswana to reduce electricity costs and carbon emissions. Through detailed power system modelling and analysis, the project evaluated the feasibility of integrating solar PV into...

Transitioning high-emitting facilities: a complex systems approach

This project adopts a complex systems perspective to address the challenges faced by high-emitting facilities in decarbonising their operations. By recognising these facilities as deeply integrated within their value chains, the project provides a holistic approach to...

Analysing the economic case for gas in South Africa’s power sector

Meridian undertook a detailed analysis of the role for gas-powered generation in the South African power system. This study built on Meridian's own power system analysis conducted with the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) as well as interpretation...

Expert witness in fuel oil contract pricing dispute

This project involved providing expert support in a litigation case concerning a fuel oil contract pricing dispute. Acting as an expert witness, we conducted a thorough analysis of the contract's terms and implementation. Adam Roff was retained to perform detailed...

Assessing green hydrogen value chain opportunities in South Africa

Meridian undertook a study on the green hydrogen space in South Africa from an analytical and advisory perspective. The team was appointed alongside the CSIR to provide advisory support to KfW to assess the status of South Africa's green hydrogen market and identify...

Eskom Debt Advisory Group

Building on two years of work conceiving and incubating a climate finance intervention to support South Africa's just energy transition with a particular focus on addressing Eskom's financial crisis, Meridian continued to articulate and elaborate both the problem...

South African power sector market and regulatory reform

Meridian's ongoing stream of work in this area involves the provision of advisory inputs and analysis into the policy and regulatory decision-making arena around the need for power sector regulatory reform and market development. Foci of this project include the need...

The South African Energy Transition

The overall aim of the project is to undertake analysis and engage in stakeholder and media engagements to contribute to the public discourse on the energy transition in South Africa. This will further support policy and regulatory decisions that accelerate this...

Tariff Estimate for a petroleum loading facility

Our client was contemplating building their own crude oil loading facility, due to capacity and logistical constraints on the existing facility. They required an understanding of the tariff that NERSA would be likely to approve for use of the facility, if they built it.

Expert Economist in arbitration case on gas pricing

Under instruction from our client's attorneys we investigated the pricing mechanism utilised by the gas supplier for the claim period and assessed whether it complied with the provisions of the regulatory framework during this period. We further quantified the extent...

Preparation of a NERSA application for Loading and Storage tariffs.

Meridian has been appointed to prepare the tariff application on behalf of the client. The work entails: developing a detailed tariff model which considers the implications of different tariff methodologies, and enables detailed scenario and stochastic analysis to be...

Estimation of SFF tariffs

Meridian was requested to calculate an estimate of the tariff that NERSA can be expected to approve for SFF (for charging to third parties) in accordance with NERSA's existing, and proposed new tariff methodologies.

Optimum Coal Mine Business Rescue – Financial model

Meridian was tasked with developing a financial model of the mine, in conjunction with a mining engineering consultant. The aim of the model was to calculate the price for the Eskom coal that would enable the ongoing viability of the mine under different...

Training Workshop – Regulatory environment for the Gas sector

We provided a comprehensive training session covering the legal framework. including the Gas Act, the Gas Regulations and the regulatory (NERSA) guidelines and methodologies. We demonstrated the various methods for calculating tariffs and explained their...

Regulatory requirements for a gas to power project

Meridian conducted a review of the regulatory regime that applies to the different aspects of the piped gas value chain (including production, transmission, compression, storage, re-gassification, distribution, trading, etc.) and advised the client accordingly.

Strategies to avoid loadshedding in Cape Town

In this high-level study, we analysed the nature of the City's existing network and generation infrastructure and considered the demand-side data that could be obtained from the City. We then evaluated the practical and economic potential for utilising the City's pump...

Revising the Petroleum Pipelines Regulations

Meridian was appointed to review the proposed changes and to prepare comments on behalf of the client with the aim of ensuring that the client's preferred commercial pricing strategy would be achievable under the new regulations. We also represented the client at a...

Energy Security Workshop

Meridian was appointed to assist with facilitating a multi-day high-level strategic planning workshop convened by the Premier's Office as part of their 'Game Changers' programme.

Gas Supply Agreement negotiation support

We provided analytical, and strategic support in a number of Gas Supply Agreement negotiations between our client (a piped-gas trader) and their customers. We assisted by calculating the possible profit impact of offering customised escalation adjustment mechanisms...

Expert report for Competition Commission complaint

Meridian was appointed as the economics advisors as part of a professional team that prepared an official complaint with the South African Competition Commission. Meridian conducted a detailed competition assessment and prepared an economists expert report that formed...

Quantifying financial risks associated with a CNG business

We created a stochastic scenario generator to integrate with the existing financial model. By doing this we retained all the complexity already built into the existing model by the client but provided insights from the same model that could not be gained by...

The Optimum Mine Hardship Claim

We collaborated with Econex in producing an expert report for Eskom on the hardship claim by Optimum. In addition to critically reviewing the details provided in the Optimum claim, we developed a range of strategic arguments that Eskom could employ to defend its case.

Coal Market Study Strategies

We collaborated with Econex and Eskom to undertake a scenario based study of the price and other implications of pursuing different coal sourcing strategies. The quantitative analysis was primarily based on Eskom's coal supply optimisation model.

Petroleum importing and storage terminal licence

Our role included assisting with detailed strategy sessions; preparations of the team's participation at the NERSA public hearing; and presenting at the same hearing as the team's economic expert. The licence applications were successful.

Competition Commission LPG Market Inquiry Submission

Meridian was appointed to conduct an LPG market investigation and prepare an economists report on behalf of Borbet. Our report covered the regulatory and competition economics issues relevant to the inquiry and identified areas of concern to Borbet that it wanted the...

Coal Market Study

We collaborated with Econex and Eskom by leading a project to produce a large study of the coal market in South Africa. The investigation focussed on outlining the key characteristics of the South African coal market (including the export component); on reviewing...

Mobile termination rates

We constructed a financial model to evaluate the financial value of different regulated termination rate scenarios on the client's business.

Submission on revised Gas bill

Meridian's role was to prepare comments on the proposed changes as specialist regulatory economists. We collaborated with the client's legal advisors in compiling a comprehensive response to the proposed changes to the Gas Act.

Member of the Ports Regulatory of South Africa

Grové served as a member of the Board of the Regulator and also chaired the Regulatory Committee that was responsible for all matters related to the TNPA's tariffs and tariff setting methodology. His responsibilities included chairing public hearings and oversight of...

Renewable Energy Debt Fund

Grové was appointed to, and elected as chairperson of, the external Technical Advisory Committee, established by Mergence with a view of obtaining an external review of the portfolio of projects in its Renewable Energy Debt Fund.

Impact of economic regulation on management and performance of SOEs

Meridian was appointed to produce a report on the impact of economic regulation on the management and performance of state-owned enterprises (SOEs). The report set out to identify the key challenges related to the economic regulation of SOEs in the energy, transport...

Expert witness in arbitration case on the pricing of demand response

Grové was appointed as an sector expert to the EB Steam team. He advised on a wide range of power sector economic and regulatory issues that arose during the arbitration and was also responsible for drafting expert reports that would be filed as part of the process.

Critical review of the proposed Eskom MYPD2 tariff application

We provided a comprehensive review of the Eskom MYPD2 tariff application and assisted the client with executive-level engagements with Eskom in order to obtain more details on aspects of the application. We prepared the final regulatory submission on behalf of the...

Regulatory engagement, strategy and capacity development

Grové was appointed by the Transnet CEO, Maria Ramos, to assist Transnet with engaging with the newly established regulators, guide the Divisional and Corporate Executive Teams on the regulatory engagement processes, prepare and manage tariff applications, and assist...

Comment on the draft NERSA MYPD tariff methodology

Grové was appointed as an advisor to the National Electricity Regulator to assist with their preparations for implementing a multi-year pricing regime for Eskom (the national South African power utility).

Review of Eskom’s 2005 tariff application

Grové was approached by the NER to put together a team of advisors to assist the NER to undertake the review of the Eskom tariff application. The role included project managing the entire review process, including the meetings with all stakeholders, and preparing the...

Review of Eskom’s 2004 tariff application

Grové was approached by the NER to put together a team of advisors to assist in a review of the Eskom tariff application. The role included project managing the entire review process, including the meetings with all stakeholders, and presenting the final...